My smoking quitting journey

Aug. 12, 2024, 1:31 p.m.
For the last 15 years my morning routine was quite the same: "having a cup of coffee or tea with a cigarette", until a week ago:
I felt extreme fatigue after smoking, to the degree of not being to stand, my head became so heavy. It wasn't the first time I feel like this after smoking in the morning, but all I can think about was the damage that feeling must have on my brain internally,the infamous reputation of smoking and its effects with M.S -which I suffered from- kept haunting my thoughts, honestly I felt scared and utterly worried: "this feeling will lead to a severe disability for sure".
It was at that moment that I decided "enough is enough"; and decided to quit smoking once and for all, what I did was:
- I took the ashtray, the lighter & the cigarette pack out of the room.
- I ceased smoking. Every time I crave a cigarette, I member how I felt in the morning and that it'll make me disabled later.
- After 3 days it got easier to give in to the craving. So I needed external help.
- I used "21 mg Nicotene Patches", and they helped enormously to kill most of the cravings.
- I completed the "killing" of the cravings with "Nicotene gum".
The "Nicotene patch" eliminated the morning cigarettes cravings totally.
Day by day, the cravings would decrease, after a month it vanished. The only remaining cravings were the psychological ones; and these are very short and last for a mere second or two.
Quitting already started to payoff, not only health-wise, but also economy-wise.
Mohammed Ba'ashar
Simply put, I'm the creator of Byts N Bytes !