Getting fever with MS

March 8, 2025, 6:18 p.m.
Last week, it got pretty cold in my region, and out of nowhere flu crawled into my body. The infection was light and barely noticeable, until I suddenly went unconscious in an epilepsy seizure -yep; I have epilepsy too-, weird thing though that the epilepsy remained silent for years, but looks like the flue infection affected it.
So I woke up in the ambulance, closed my eyes a little to find myself waking up in a hospital room. Thankfully I had family members who called the ambulance.
The incident gave me a lot to think about, actually my health was doing fine, I quit smoking 6 months ago too, so I thought I'm safe, to be honest I started to go out a lot not caring about the temperature fluctuations, and walking for long distances due to healing from smoking.
I guess I brought that on myself !
Lesson of the incident: never take anything for granted, and never think that you became invincible just because you quit a wrong habit !
Mohammed Ba'ashar
Simply put, I'm the creator of Byts N Bytes !