4 months after quitting smoking

Nov. 13, 2024, 8:54 p.m.
The days became weeks, weeks became months, and the smoking addiction evaporated as time went by. Right now, I can officially say that the addiction was killed, I decided to congratulate myself with a box of nicotine gums !
Prisoner of the Gum
As I said in an earlier blog post, the "Nicotine gum" helped immensely with the cigarettes cravings; I noticed that I became "dependent" on the gum and its nicotine component, without it I become irritable in a fashion identical to a smoker not having their cigarettes !
Food and Drink Taste Awesome !
The taste of food & drink became 100 times better, sipping a cup of coffee became magical, even the feeling of the caffeine rush became sensible. I gained 2 kg but it was worth it; I keep a tight limit over my weight due to M.S, but if the price was getting rid of smoking then so be it.
What about being active ?
I feel more active, but the moment I do continues activity like walking for a long distance, fatigue kills me.
It's obvious that as time progresses the mess that cigarettes caused to my body are vanishing, like a natural tar detox. I wonder what the effect it'll have on me by next year. Soon enough I'll share another update
with you, until then bye bye .
Mohammed Ba'ashar
Simply put, I'm the creator of Byts N Bytes !